Vandepoele Klaas

Vandepoele Klaas - Group leader
Joined the group in 1999

Short CV

Klaas Vandepoele is Full Professor at Ghent University and group leader in the VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology. His aim is to extract biological knowledge from large-scale experimental data sets using data integration, comparative sequence/chromatin/expression analysis, and network biology. Through the development and application of various bioinformatics methods, he identifies new aspects of genome biology, especially in the area of gene function prediction, gene regulation and evolutionary/systems biology in plants, green algae, and diatoms. Klaas Vandepoele published >160 papers in international peer-reviewed scientific journals and is a Highly Cited Researcher.

Plant functional genomics

Plant genomes contain an extremely large number of genes, both in number of gene families as well as copy number per family. Consequently, searching for individual genes with conserved biological functions across different plant species is challenging. Apart from exploring known gene function information (e.g., Gene Ontology, literature), when and where a gene is expressed is an important factor contributing to the concept of gene function in multicellular organisms.


We have developed different tools to study gene functions and gene regulation. 


Transcriptional regulation - Networks